
Friday 18 October 2019

Recycling Fun


  1. What do people put in their recycling bins?Boxes and paper,old tins,bottles
  2. Where is the rubbish taken?They take to school.
  3. What kinds of toys can children make from rubbish?Wall art,plant pot,Pen
  4. holders,bowling.
  5. How do children make pen holders from rubbish?Made from old tin cans.
  6. What can children use to make little plants pots?Plastic cup.
  7. Who might like plant pots as gifts?Grandparents,teacher.
  8. Why do grandparents like gifts made by children?The toys, present and art cost
  9. less to make than buying new things, too.
  10. Why should people make things from rubbish?Because to not waste the money.

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