
Thursday 14 November 2019

My Best Friend


  1. Who is the boy’s best friend?Hemi
  2. Why do the children sing when Hemi plays his ukelele?Hemi is a great
  3. singer.
  4. Why is Hemi good at reading?He knows lots of words,because
  5. he reads so much.
  6. Why does Hemi want to be a writer when he grows up?He likes to
  7. write stories about animals and sports.
  8. Where do Hemi and his brothers play basketball?They play in the backyard.
  9. Why is Hemi in the school basketball team?He practises twice a week.
  10. How many pets do Hemi and his family have?His family has two cats,a
  11. dog and a rabbit.
  12. Why does Hemi go with his parents when they take their dog for a run?When
  13. his parents
  14. take their dog for a run,Hemi likes to go along as well.
Do you have a best friend? Do you have a pet?

Tell us about your best friend (person or pet) in a blog post. Find a photo of them to
go with your writing.

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