
Tuesday 5 November 2019

The Unhappy Princess


  1. Why was Princess Sweetpea unhappy when she went into the Snuggly
  2. Mattresses shop?There
  3. is something wrong with them.she couldn’t sleep.
  4. Why did Miss Sellwell think had made Princess Sweetpea’s back sore?
  5. The mattresses.
  6. Why did Mr Snuggle come out of his office to talk to Princess Sweetpea?
  7. To help princess sweetpea.
  8. Why did Prince Smile-aLot call Queen Snapdragon on his phone?
  9. He rang to his mother.because the mattresse was too hard.
  10. Why did Queen Snapdragon put a pea under the mattresses on
  11. Sweatpea’s bed?To check if princess sweetpea was a real princess.
  12. Why will the Prince and Princess give the mattresses to the people in
  13. their kingdom?Because they don’t need them when they get married.
  14. Why will Mr Snuggle send Princess Sweetpea twenty soft, pink quilts?
  15. Because each mattress will need one of your soft,pink quilts.

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